p.s. I'm learning English, if I have a mistakes just tell me.

воскресенье, 4 мая 2014 г.

Pskov fortress

Pskov is a city in north-west of Russia, the administrative center of Pskov region.

Pskov - one of the oldest cities in Russia, first mentioned in the Chronicle in 903. 

Throughout its long history of Pskov was often the center of conducting large-scale fighting, but was taken only once, except for occupation during both world wars.
In December 2009, Pskov awarded the title of "City of Military Glory."

  One legend says that Pskov was founded by Princess Olga. She sailed in a boat on the river Great and saw how three sun beams crossed on the place where stands Pskov Kremlin. She pointed to a place and said, "Here will be stand glorious and the great city!"

пятница, 2 мая 2014 г.

Russian "Привет.Как дела?" or other "Hi. How are you?"

One interesting fact about Russian people.

If you ask someone "How are you?" you will listen a 5 minutes story about life of this someone. It's very interesting thing. One girl from US said me that in America someone ask you about your day, noone really interested in that. It's just a politeness.

My point of view

Ok, if I should be honest all my life I thought that I want to live in USA or Europe and just now I understand that Russia is perfect place for me. Why?
I love Russian people  for their openness and hospitality. I love Russian language, it so beautiful. Russian literature, movie, ART, fashion etc are amazing.
One of the important reason! I agree with the policy pursued in this country.